This work is not available for sale

Michele Liparesi


Dimensions : Cm 34x28x25

Contact Us for info

Michele Liparesi

Works for sale

Palazzo - Scoiattolo


Year : 2020

Dimensions : 38x22x14

Technique : Wire mesh

Authentication : Authenticity of the artist on photography

Palazzo - Scoiattolo


Technique : Wire mesh

Authentication : Authenticity of the artist on photography

Palazzo - Picchio


Year : 2021

Dimensions : 38x8x15

Technique : Wire mesh

Authentication : Authenticity of the artist on photography

Palazzo - Picchio


Technique : Wire mesh

Authentication : Authenticity of the artist on photography

Palazzo - Serpente


Technique : Wire mesh

Authentication : Authenticity of the artist on photography

Palazzo - Teste di cervo

Teste di cervo

Technique : Wire mesh

Authentication : Authenticity of the artist on photography

Palazzo - Cervo


Technique : Wire mesh

Authentication : Authenticity of the artist on photography

Palazzo - Piccolo agglomerato urbano

Piccolo agglomerato urbano

Dimensions : Cm 17x15x15

Palazzo - Agglomerato urbano Aurora

Agglomerato urbano Aurora

Dimensions : Cm 36x30x30

Caputo Colossi
via XXVI Aprile, 38 - 25032 CHIARI (BS) - Italy
VAT N : 02662130984
The whole website content is copyrighted and owned by Galleria Incontro