Who is

Galleria Incontro

The gallery of modern and contemporary L'incontro art is inaugurated in 1974 as an expression of the strong artistic passion that unites Antonietta Bettini and his daughter Erminia Colossi.


The choice of the name of the gallery is not a coincidence; On the contrary it alludes to the objective prince: to foster a reciprocal exchange between artists and collectors through the organization of prestigious personal exhibitions with the presence of the greatest masters of the time.


Initially, the names are from Annigoni to Cascella, from Guttuso to Sassu, keeping the Italian market as a point of reference. Year after year, thanks to the stimulating need for improvement of Erminia Colossi, the artistic interest passes through the national boundaries. So next to a renewed Italian group, which includes, among other wheel, widow, tomato, Boetti, Kounellis, Dorazio, Bonalumi, are inserted masters of the caliber of Christo, Max Bill, Vasarely, Lindström, Appel.


In 1997, following the withdrawal of his mother, Erminia Colossi formally assumes the role of director, even if for many years the artistic choices and not only were of his competence.


To celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the gallery, in 2004 sees the light a new exhibition space, wider and more prestigious, located a few meters from the old headquarters on the ground floor of an elegant palace of the early twentieth century.


The initiative of the Director leads, later, to the purchase of an apartment on the top floor of the same building and the transformation of the same in a Home-Gallery. As the name suggests in this place it is possible to admire the most valuable works in their ideal location: the home environment. The peculiarity of the Home-Gallery is to be able to give hospitality to collectors and artists in search of inspiration, since it preserves the comforts of a real dwelling.


The gallery's acknowledged boast is to offer not only international art works unique in their kind, but also a sure investment in the future.

Caputo Colossi
via XXVI Aprile, 38 - 25032 CHIARI (BS) - Italy
VAT N : 02662130984
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